#FarmHers of the Future
I wish I could look into my daughters’ eyes and tell her this life will be easier. Tell her that because of many women before her, who worked and fought so hard to gain basic fundamental rights and freedoms, that she would have a clear path ahead to follow her ambitions and voice her opinions as a young woman. But, I’m sadly faced every day with the reality that our battles as women have not passed- they are still being fought. From the sexism and misogyny which still constantly runs throughout workplaces and courtrooms, to the outright attacks and forced control of the female body through laws and the fists of abusers and rapists, this world is every bit as terrifying and oppressive for women as it always has been, only it is hidden better behind closed doors and loopholes. What can we do at this stage in the battle, when the hope for change is looking impossible? When the harder we push, the harder they push to silence us? …We endure. As we have for centuries. We resist. We fight slow, and we fight steady.
My greatest battle? This girl right here.
Raising her to understand the adversity she’ll inevitably face, but teaching her how to get up each day and move forward anyway. Giving her the tools she will need to fight and protect herself, and being the example she needs, in order to see how it’s done. Teaching her that a woman can at once be fierce and powerful, while also soft, compassionate and intelligent, and that this is what makes her so much more powerful and deserving of equal opportunity and utmost respect.
And all the while reassuring her that I will be there to fight beside her every step of the way.
I used to think that it was only the super courageous and influential high profile women who made changes in this world with their headlining actions, such as famous climate activist Greta Thunberg or civil rights activist Rosa Parks…but I realize now that EVERY woman has the power and influence to make a change in this world, and must stand together to put every bit of courage into our fight towards true respect and equality.
So to my gorgeous little warrior…I’m sorry you’ll have to fight so hard. But that fighting will make you strong. I already know that your determination, compassion, creativity, and tenacity will be your greatest weapons. Don’t forget the women who have left legacies for us to continue, and work each day to create one of your own, even if you’re not remembered by the masses for your works, know that your role in this fight is every bit as important. Here’s to a brighter future, my girl.