All Hail Ceasar!


“Loss is nothing else but change, and change is Nature’s delight.” -Marcus Aurelius

✨Today we lost a brave, gentle, beautiful soul. This handsome rooster came to us already grown from another farm, and had no other name except “Bad-ass chicken” , known impressively for fighting off dogs, coyotes, hawks and other large threats. On our farm, he took to our ladies extremely well, being a rooster of class, a pure gentleman in terms of mating and sharing food with his girls. I myself have witnessed him save two of my chickens from hawks, even going so far as to chase the beaten hawk off of our property. He was nothing short of respectful and gentle to us, eating from our hands and tolerating my young daughter. His unique seven beat crow was the first we heard each morning, challenging the morning light, and starting our day.

I am sorry that his illness came on quite quickly, and before we could do much, he was gone. It isn’t the first time we have suffered a loss on this farm, and I know it will not be the last. We love each of our farm animals beyond just their working purposes, and feel the hurt of their loss as much as any other. Each loss strikes a mark in our hearts but inspires growth of us as people and farmers. It is fitting that he died on the same day his babies hatched, his legacy will live on in them. I will remember him in the rise of the sun each morning, in the rustling of the berry bushes he always rested underneath; his gentle beauty will live on in the spirit of this farm. Thank you for being our first rooster and for showing us how wonderful they can be. Rest In Peace, our boy Ceasar. 🐓

May 25, 2017


The Little Garden that Could | A Story of Perseverance


Ode to My Childhood Home- The End of an Era